Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors named Panattoni Development Company as the recipient of Chesterfield County’s 1999 Developer Appreciation Award.

The Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce is teaming up with The Metropolitan Business League (MBL) to publish the region’s first-ever Minority Business Directory. (formerly Comtrad Industries, Inc.) has relocated to the Enterchange Building in the Walthall area. The company expanded to 50,000 sq.ft. and will have 140 employees relocating. The estimated investment for the first year is $4,470,000.

Super Radiator Coils has announced a 57,000 sq.ft. expansion at the company’s site in Southport Industrial Park. The estimated capital investment for the expansion is $3,000,000.

DuPont Nomex Headquarters relocated from Wilmington, DE. DuPont refurbished the Nylon Building on the Spruance site. The labor total is 100 with 70 employees being relocations. The estimated capital investment is $10M.