Attention Minority Owned Businesses Looking To Grow

The Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce is teaming up with The Metropolitan Business League (MBL) to publish the region’s first-ever Minority Business Directory. Funding support
for the directory is being provided by

The Minority Business Directory will list businesses owned by ethnic and racial minorities, one of the country’s fastest-growing business segments. The Chamber, The MBL, the Greater Richmond Partnership and other organizations will be distributing the directory to contacts all around the world as a way to promote Greater Richmond area minority businesses. In addition, the Chamber will provide the directory to its Board of Directors and the top fifty employers in the region.

In order to have a comprehensive directory, the Chamber is requesting help in identifying minority owned firms. If you or someone you do business with is a minority-owned firm, contact Cheryl Trott, the Chamber’s Vice-President of Research and Information, at 783-9344. You will receive a form that will serve as a listing in the directory. There is no cost to have your business listed. Publication of the Minority Business Directory is planned for Spring 2000.