Money Rates Richmond Best Medium-Sized MSA

The July issue of Money magazine rates the Richmond MSA as the best medium sized city in the south to live. In fact Virginia swept all three categories. Among metropolitan areas in the South with populations of 250,000 to 999,999, Richmond was ranked number 1.

According to Money magazine’s Website,, the best places to live were determined in part by a phone survey of households nationwide. Those surveyed rated 37 livability factors on a scale of 1 to 10. A consultant then gathered information from a variety of sources, such as the FBI’s crime statistics and national housing prices, for the nation’s 300 largest metropolitan statistical areas.

“Once the survey and data were together, we crunched the numbers and gave each place a score based on how it fared on the quality of life factors,” the magazine said. “The things that Americans consider most important, like clean air and water, low crime, and good schools, received extra weight in the calculation.”

The Money article can be viewed here.