International Baccalaureate Program

Chesterfield County Public Schools offers students an opportunity to participate in the International Baccalaureate Program. The IB program is a comprehensive two-year program (for junior and seniors) that allows its graduates to fulfill requirements of various national education systems. A recommended pre-IB program for grades nine and ten is also available. Most of the prominent colleges in the United States have developed policies recognizing the IB diploma and grant advanced placement and course credit, as well as qualifying students to receive scholarship money.

This program enables Chesterfield County students the opportunity to develop talents to make them competitive in the global business world. This internationally recognized program is often an asset for families who relocate here with international companies. The IB program allows their children to pursue a rigorous academic curriculum which is recognized in their country.

For more information please contact Mrs. Faye Rollings-Carter, Midlothian IB Coordinator at 378-2440 or Carolyn Henly, Meadowbrook IB Coordinator at 743-3675.