The gap between the cost of development review and the revenue the County receives to undertake these reviews have grown considerably in the past six years. As part of the County’s FY 02-03 budget review process the Planning Department was asked to prepare a fee adjustment proposal that would produce revenue in FY 04-05 based upon the cost of undertaking development related reviews (rezoning, site plan, subdivision, variances, etc.)
The Richmond-Petersburg Area ranked 21st in Expansion Management’s list of “America’s 50 Hottest Cities” for manufacturing Expansions and Relocations. The rankings took into consideration such things as business environment, work force quality, operating costs, incentive programs, work training programs and ease of working with local officials.
In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Alcoa Bellwood Printing Plant and the DuPont Spruance plant served as heroes though their tremendous response. We’d like to thank these Chesterfield businesses for their tremendous contributions to the recovery effort. The citizens and businesses of Chesterfield County are proud to have them as members of our community.
The Boulders and CB Richard Ellis, Inc. have been named Chesterfield County Developer of the Year for 2001. Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors established a Business Appreciation and Recognition Award to recognize existing businesses within Chesterfield County that contribute to the county’s economy and its citizens. 16:43:582012-07-03 16:44:35The Boulders and CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Named Developer of the Year
The Virginia Department of Business Assistance (DBA) is pleased to announce the availability of a new comprehensive directory of workforce development programs in Virginia. 16:42:092012-07-03 16:43:52Workforce Development Directory Available
Chesterfield Considering Planning Fee Increases
The gap between the cost of development review and the revenue the County receives to undertake these reviews have grown considerably in the past six years. As part of the County’s FY 02-03 budget review process the Planning Department was asked to prepare a fee adjustment proposal that would produce revenue in FY 04-05 based upon the cost of undertaking development related reviews (rezoning, site plan, subdivision, variances, etc.)
Area Among America’s 50 Hottest Cities
The Richmond-Petersburg Area ranked 21st in Expansion Management’s list of “America’s 50 Hottest Cities” for manufacturing Expansions and Relocations. The rankings took into consideration such things as business environment, work force quality, operating costs, incentive programs, work training programs and ease of working with local officials.
Local Companies Respond to 9-11
In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Alcoa Bellwood Printing Plant and the DuPont Spruance plant served as heroes though their tremendous response. We’d like to thank these Chesterfield businesses for their tremendous contributions to the recovery effort. The citizens and businesses of Chesterfield County are proud to have them as members of our community.
The Boulders and CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Named Developer of the Year
The Boulders and CB Richard Ellis, Inc. have been named Chesterfield County Developer of the Year for 2001. Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors established a Business Appreciation and Recognition Award to recognize existing businesses within Chesterfield County that contribute to the county’s economy and its citizens.
Workforce Development Directory Available
The Virginia Department of Business Assistance (DBA) is pleased to announce the availability of a new comprehensive directory of workforce development programs in Virginia.