Chesterfield County Launchs Citizen Wi-Fi

Chesterfield County has launched a new service called Citizen Wi-Fi. The service enables library users and people visiting several other county buildings to access the Internet through their own wireless-enabled devices, such as laptops and PDAs.

There is no charge for this service, however, customers must have their own equipment, wireless card and software. The county’s Wi-Fi access is as secure as any open public access network, such as dial-up Internet accounts or public telephones, although it is recommended that customers use an SSL-encrypted Web page prior to sending or receiving confidential data.

To access the service, customers will need a Wi-Fi compliant (802.11 b/g) device installed on their laptops or PDAs, equipped with a standard Internet browser, to access the network. The system will work with either Mac or PC computers as long as the computer or PDA is equipped with a wireless card and the appropriate software.

For more information visit the Citizen Wi-Fi web page.