Defense Supply Center Richmond Receives 1999 Large Business Award

Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors established a Business Appreciation and Recognition Award to recognize existing businesses within the county that contribute to the county’s economy and its citizens. The Board has awarded Defense Supply Center Richmond as the recipient of Chesterfield County’s 1999 Large Business Appreciation Award (awarded in late December 1999).

The Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR) is a Department of Defense installation that sits on just over 600 acres in southern Chesterfield County, Virginia. The center and its tenant organizations employ about 3,000 workers whose mission is to provide logistics support to the military services worldwide. That support includes the acquisition of material for more than 700,000 items of supply, as well as the maintenance of a wide array of logistics information, technical specifications and data. On an average day it processes over 7,000 supply requests from around the globe. The value of the material it provides to its customers is anticipated to reach the $1.4 billion mark this year.

DSCR has been committed to Chesterfield County and its schools in the following programs:

  • DSCR has three formal partnerships with Chesterfield County Schools where,
    on a weekly basis, 75-95 employees spend one hour in these schools tutoring
    in reading and math, and providing special programs for 3,000 hours per year;
  • “Transportation Day” when military vehicles were taken to the
    schools for display and employees make presentations;
  • “Career Day” where employees shared their experiences, career
    information and provided motivation;
  • Partnered 15 deaf Salem Middle School students with hard of hearing employees
    at DSCR for a day of job shadowing and luncheon;
  • Hosted Bensley Elementary’s 5th grade Graduation Luncheon at the Bellwood
    Officers’ Club for the past three years;
  • And provided support in the Ukrop’s Golden Gift Campaign, Campbell
    Soup and General Mills label programs, and the Angel Tree program.
  • Congratulations to all the employees at DSCR! Chesterfield County appreciates your hard work and dedication in our community.