DBA Seeking Nominations for Governor’s Cup Awards
The Department of Business Assistance is seeking nominations for the Southern Growth Policies Board’s annual Governor’s Cup Awards, which identify and honor the best companies in the South.
Each year, the Board recognizes outstanding examples of economic development efforts undertaken by private sector companies. The awards are presented in three size classifications, based on the number of employees, and are chosen on the basis of outstanding achievement in five categories:
- Technological innovation
- Economic impact
- International trade
- Community involvement
- Human resources
Virginia companies have received six of the twelve Governor’s Cup awards given in the past four years. Competition for the awards is intense, with entries submitted by each of the board’s 14 member states and Puerto Rico. Arrowhead Space and Telecommunications, Inc. of Falls Church was the latest Virginia recipient, winning the 2000 Award in the 51-100 employees category.
Local economic development offices, chambers of commerce, and technology councils are welcome to submit nominations, or companies can nominate themselves. Please contact Jay Ruehrmund, DBA’s Research Director, at (804) 371-0071 or jruehrmund@dba.state.va.us no later than March 1 with the name of the company you are nominating and a contact name and number.