The Chesterfield County CIT Program

The Chesterfield County Department of Career Development has created a new course program for computer integrated technology (CIT) which will prepare graduates from the program to enter institutions of higher education to major in the growing fields of information technology, engineering and automated production systems.

Juniors and seniors are eligible to enroll in the program. Students who successfully complete all or part of the course sequence will be on the fast track to engineering or technician positions in these profitable and emerging vocations.

Most of these courses carry optional honor credit, and all of them carry dual credit, allowing successful students to transfer their credit to college.

The CIT Program is divided into three components: Computer Integrated Technology; Electronics; and AutoCAD. Lloyd C. Bird High School will house the CIT Program, and transportation will be provided to the school during the student’s junior and senior year.

Major employers in Central Virginia are seeking qualified candidates with associate and bachelor’s degrees in these fields. Being a part of this program will prepare Chesterfield County graduates to become a successful and profitable component of their team.

For more information about this program, contact your school’s guidance department or the Department of Career Development at (804) 768-6165.