Jobs of Tomorrow Employer Forum

The Economic Development staff has been very busy working with the Chesterfield Career Development Advisory Committee (CCDAC), Chesterfield Public Schools and John Tyler Community College on a number of workforce preparation issues.

The CCDAC coordinated an employer forum entitled, Jobs of
Tomorrow – Employers Speak Out. The event was held on October 9, 1997 in the manufacturing center at Philip Morris USA. More than 150 Chesterfield County PTA members, school administrators and guidance counselors attended where they heard opening remarks from Dr. William Bosher, Superintendent of Schools, and an economic overview of the county by Gary McLaren, Director of Economic Development.

The forum panel was comprised of seven business leaders
representing six area industries. Each panelist discussed the workforce preparation issues related to their respective businesses and provided invaluable information to the attendees in directing students into profitable career paths.

A very lively and interesting question & answer period took place at the conclusion of the panel presentation between the audience and the business leaders. Based on the comments from the attendees and panelists, the event was very successful, and will become a model to be used throughout the region so that Chesterfield and other localities will continue to provide an opportunity for business leaders to discuss their concerns and the increasing opportunities in their respective fields with educators, students and PTA leadership.